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A Social Enterprise providing community based support for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and mental health in the South West

Bespoke Property: Recent Podcast

I was pleased to be asked by Lisa Brown of the Supported Living Property Network to guest on her podcast recently (link below), the first time I've done such a thing! It was an honour to be asked and it provided an ideal opportunity for me to talk about what makes You First unique, as well as talking about some very real pressures. The one pressure Lisa and I were obviously focused on was that of property.

Person-Centred Support has been a buzzword for as many years as I can remember, and thankfully for many people supported this is their actual experience of their chosen provider, but somehow it seems to me, based on my own experience, that property is all too often left out of the equation. This means, most especially for autistic people, that support often fails because the sensory overload experienced as a direct consequence of an inappropriate environment is simply too much. Imagine if you will, being out in the community, triggered by all the sights, sounds, smells, activity, chaos, sensations, and perceived demands, only to find that when you come home, home is not the refuge you need it to be - the sensory overload continues. Is it any wonder such "placements" (as this is what they are) fail? You First have been invited to support people at this point of failure many, many times.

In this podcast I talk of the need for housing, and our housing partners, to be seen as part of the community of support. For so many people, the property itself is part of the support team as it forms an integral part of the person supported's ability to build and grow their life. There is a desperate need for housing and support to work closely together in the best interest of autistic people in order for people to live successfully with meaningful roles within their community. We also need to embrace a mixed economy of housing support where the best interest of the person supported takes precedence over financial return. There is an enormous need for progressive support providers, housing developers, planning, and investors to truly work creatively together with our eyes to one side of profit so that autistic people can truly enjoy equal life chances.

I hope that in some small way this podcast furthers this vitally necessary conversation.

You can view the podcast by clicking here. 

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