Why Choose You First Support Services?
What Makes You First Support Services Different?
- We add social value to the learning disability community by placing an emphasis upon enablement, opportunity and progression in all the services we provide
- We measure our social impact and embed our findings which informs our continual improvement and adds further social value to the learning disability community
- We add social value to the local learning disability community through surplus profit reinvestment.
- We add social value by providing uniquely bespoke packages of support through meaningful engagement with prospective customers
- We recognise and respect the value users of services place upon consistency and continuity, especially in terms of staff support.
- We enable people to build and access their own social networks and both benefit and contribute to these in meaningful ways
- Through our bespoke assessment tool we are able to put the goals and aspirations of those who use our services at the heart of their Support Plans.
- We endeavour to maintain an ethos of transparency in all our processes both with the users of our services and those who work for us
- Through the provision of flexible, creative and responsive services we are able to swiftly adapt to changing needs and expectations thus ensuring maximum choice and control for those who use our services
- We embrace the principles of personalisation and individualised services and seek to reflect these in our service delivery and practice
- Through the provision of bespoke packages of support we provide services outside of the traditional roster framework and thus avoid the restrictions this inevitably brings for users of services
- We exist to facilitate the creation of a time where people with learning disabilities will play a meaningful and purposeful role in society enjoying all the rights, freedoms and responsibilities that full and active citizenship brings.
- People who use the service are the architects of their own support package.
- Services are community based, not building based.
- We train the friends and people within the social network of the individual to reduce dependence upon paid carers.
- We work with assistive technology to maximise independence.
- Our aim is to make ourselves redundant!
- People who use the service will influence service development.
- People will be involved not only in the recruitment of staff, but also their probation and appraisal.
- We are the only Social Enterprise and CIC delivering these services in Somerset.
- We are the only Living Wage social care employer in Somerset.
- We measure our social impact and adjust our Business Plan accordingly.
- Staff do not work within the restrictive confines of a traditional rota.
- We listen to what people want and provide this.
- We are working with social landlords to develop range of housing options.
- We actively engage with those who use the service and those who work for us as part of our service evolution.
- We work in partnership with family carers and other agencies in order to provide creative, flexible and responsive services.
- We are led and driven by the people who use our services as opposed to being service, policy or bureaucracy led.
We work to ensure people:
- Exercise rights, choice and control
- Have and enjoy meaningful relationships
- Live and have meaningful roles within their local community
- Communicate their needs, wishes, goals and aspirations
- Enjoy a social life
- Live in local housing
- We want to establish a Quality Assurance team led by adults with learning disabilit
- Have access to education and leisure